AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

OCCRA 2018 Blogs: Diversity Tournament

Written by AdamBot Student on November 5, 2018

This weekend, the AdamBots hosted the OCCRA Diversity Tournament at Rochester Adams High School! After an introduction from Mr. Cusumano, Adams High School’s principal, the matches began. The day’s schedule is different from most competitions and consisted of two all-male matches, two co-ed matches, two mentor matches, and two all-female matches. The different kinds of […]

OCCRA 2018 Blogs: Birmingham Groves Tournament

Written by AdamBot Student on November 3, 2018

Last Thursday, the AdamBots competed at their second OCCRA event — the Birmingham Groves OCCRA tournament! The second of our events, we played 4 matches, even making a new high score of 52 points. After three wins and a tie, we earned 162 points throughout the competition, which will be compiled and, at the end […]

OCCRA 2018 Blogs: Marian Tournament

Written by AdamBot Student on October 24, 2018

On October 20th, the AdamBots OCCRA team attended their first Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association event at Marian High School. The day consisted of 4 matches for every team. At the end of the day, the points they receive in every match are compiled and the three teams with the most points are given awards […]

2018 OCCRA Blogs: Build Week One

Written by AdamBot Student on September 14, 2018

Our OCCRA season kicked off this Monday! This year, we’ll be building a robot for the game “Over and Out.” In the game, there are two roles for the robots on each alliance: “over” and “out,” separated by a fence. The “over” robot passes balls over the fence to their allied “out” robot, which then […]

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