AdamBots Blog

News and everything AdamBots

Project Hephaestus

Written by AdamBot Student on October 21, 2019

Over the past few months, the AdamBots have created a new training program for first-year team members. The goal of this course is to allow the new members to gain hands-on experience of the engineering aspect of the AdamBots while also creating a robot for the holiday parade in December. During the first few sessions, […]

2019 Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition

Written by AdamBot Student on October 14, 2019

On October 12th the AdamBots participated in the Bloomfield Hills Girl’s Competition. At the Competition the AdamBots donated socks to the Baldwin Center donation box set up by another FRC team to provide warmth for disadvantaged teens throughout winter. In addition to being a great AdamBots outreach opportunity, this competition was a great chance for […]

Kettering Kickoff 2019

Written by AdamBot Student on September 26, 2019

On September 21st, the AdamBots competed in the Kettering Kickoff off-season competition. We began the day with Valentina, our 2019 Deep Space robot, going undefeated in her first 6 matches. After the qualification matches, the Adambots were ranked 2nd overall. As captains of the 2nd alliance we invited Team 33, the Killer Bees, and Team 51, Wings of Fire, […]

2019 FRC Blogs: World Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on May 8, 2019

At the end of April, the AdamBots competed in the FIRST Championship, hosted at Cobo Hall in Detroit! This event features over 400 high school FRC teams as well as hundreds of middle and elementary school teams, bringing together the best in the world to inspire students and crown champions. We competed in the Darwin division […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Michigan State Championship

Written by AdamBot Student on April 15, 2019

On Wednesday, the AdamBots traveled to Saginaw for the FIRST in Michigan State Championship! Arriving as the #14 ranked team of 160 qualifying teams, we were assigned to the Dow Division. We spent Thursday playing practice and qualification matches, ending the day with two wins, and one loss. On Friday, we presented for several robot and […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Kingsford District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on March 20, 2019

Last Thursday, the AdamBots traveled to Kingsford in the Upper Peninsula for our second competition of the year. Thursday night, we ran a few practice matches and succeeded in filling a rocket with scoring objects. With a few rounds under our belt, we felt ready for the next day of qualification matches. Throughout Friday, we […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Kettering District Event

Written by AdamBot Student on March 5, 2019

On the weekend of March 1st, the AdamBots attended their first district event at Kettering University. Along with 40 other teams, we showcased our robot, named Valentina, for the first time at the Week 1 event. After 12 qualification matches, we ended with a record of 7-5-0, leaving us ranked 12th when alliance selection began. We […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Build Week 5

Written by AdamBot Student on February 9, 2019

As competition week is getting closer and closer, we’ve seen our robot slowly come together. This week the Mechanical teams were finishing up assembling the mechanisms and building a practice robot. Furthermore we used a CNC mill for the first time in our team’s history. We hope its improved weight reduction and machining speed will […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Build Week 3

Written by AdamBot Student on January 26, 2019

It is now week 3 of the build season and the whole team is working hard towards the goal of completing Destination: Deep Space. This week, the Mechanical teams finalized the design of the robot while the CAD team started creating the virtual design of the robot. To prepare controls systems for a functioning robot, […]

2019 FRC Blogs: Build Week 1

Written by AdamBot Student on January 12, 2019

Since the reveal of the 2019 game Destination: Deep Space last weekend, the AdamBots have been quite busy. After coming together as a team to discuss the overall strategy we will be focusing on after the kickoff, students and mentors have been meeting every evening to finalize our strategy and begin considering designs that we […]

2019 FRC Blogs: 2019 Game Reveal

Written by AdamBot Student on January 7, 2019

This past weekend, the 2019 FIRST Robotics game, Destination: Deep Space, was revealed! Teams from all over the world joined the live stream to learn about the game and its features. The AdamBots held their own personal kickoff at Emagine Entertainment; a special thanks to Emagine Entertainment for hosting at their Rochester Hills theatre! The global […]

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