Photo and Video

AdamBots Team 245

2008 FIRST Build Season

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 1

Build Season Week 1

An experimental weekend with lots of testing and prototyping. Concepts were developed for various aspects of the robot.

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 2

Build Season Week 2

Due to Paul’s vacation we worked at our high school, Rochester Adams. Lots of different Sub-Teams got together for the first time.

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 3

Build Season Week 3

A promotional video was filmed and developed in hopes of gaining Continental’s sponsorship and the Spirit Team held one held another meeting to discuss what they were going to do.

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 4

Build Season Week 4

Measurements were made for the shooter and designs for the arm and poker were coming closer to being finalized. Many other sub-teamsmade progress as well.

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 5

Build Season Week 5

The Programming Team developed an algorithm to keep the robot on a straight path and a group of alumni visited.

2008 FIRST Build Season - Week 6

Build Season Week 6

The last weekend before the robot was shipped was spent finishing parts and mounting to the robot. Part of the Programming Team went to Android Industries with our base to test some code.