Build Season Week 5
Progress continued on both the robot and everything else this week. Different accomplishments and milestones included the Mechanism & Manipulator/Arm completing all the necessary structure, the Above Chassis Team completing the deployment mechanism, and the Media & Documentation Team took team pictures. We did not accomplish our goal of finishing Saturday, February 12th. However, we do have a firm plan in place to complete the robot in time for testing, programming, troubleshooting, and practicing.
But not everyday went as smoothly as we would have liked. On Thursday, February 10th, we weighed the robot in at 127lb with several miscellaneous items tacked on to account for missing pieces. 127lb! Immediately, we began reengineering and reconstructing sections to remove weight. Since then we have been able to drop to 114lb thanks to several cessions by the Mechanism & Manipulator/Arm and the Above Chassis Team.
- The Mechanism/Manipulator & Arm Team finished all of the structure of the arm. They did some major reengineering of the location and mounting of the motors to reduce weight.
The Above Chassis Team finished the deployment mechanism. Mr. Bolewitz and Mr. Pirozzo have finalized a minibot design and built it. They are working with the rest of their team on how to mount the minibot to the deployment mechanism.
- The Programming Team continued programming the base and working with the line trackers. They encountered a signal delay issue with one of the line trackers.
- The Controls & Electronics Team worked on fixing a buggy line tracker and creating the system signal and wiring diagram to keep track of what goes where.
- The Marketing & Website Team has begun editing and finalizing the website for the February 17th award submission deadline. We also bought PVC pieces for the the structure of our new pit design!
- The Project Management Team has started to edit and reorder the business plan. We are working towards a deadline of completing the business plan by the robot bag date, February 22nd.
Related Media: Build Season – Week 5