Dealey Plaza

John F. Kennedy

Dealey Plaza is located in the historic West End district of Dallas. Dealey Plaza was completed in 1940. It was named for George Bannerman Dealey, a publisher of The Dallas Morning News and civic leader. It is the the location of the infamous assassination of former president John F. Kennedy, that occurred on November 22, 1963. The plaza was declared a national historic district in 1993 to preserve the buildings and structures near the assassination site.

On the east side of Dealey Plaza is the former Texas School Book Depository building, from which the Warren Commission concluded Lee Harvey Oswald fired the rifle that killed John F. Kennedy. To the west of the plaza is the triple underpass, where the presidential motorcade raced after shots were fired. There is also a grassy knoll to the northwest. The House Select Committee on Assassinations determined that there was a "high probability", based on controversial acoustic analysis that a second gunman could have fired on President Kennedy from the grassy knoll and missed.

Dealey Plaza

Today visitors can goto the former Texas School Book Depository building and visit the Sixth Floor Museum historic films, photographs, artifacts on the assassination. The buildings around the plaza have not changed since 1963. In 2004 the city of Dallas began a construction project to restore Dealey Plaza to its exact appearance on the day of the assassination.